
Saturday, 25 June 2016

Year 8 Camp Refection

      Yr8 Camp

Last term on Wednesday, the year 8’s left for camp. We were heading up north to where the campsite was, the camp we headed to was called marsden. Our ride took 3 to 2 hours long, when we finally got there we were tied and some of the year 8 were excited. We grabbed the luggage out of the bus after that, we met michael the camp owner. He took us one a little tour until it started to pour, we all raced back like racing cars he picked up as many bags we could carry out of the rained Everyone was soaking. We had interval for 10 minutes later that night we had heaps fun activities

Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 10.42.15 am.pngThe next day we had more activities but we had two plans just in case if it rained. They were four teams Mansion, Ruakaka, O.T.P ( One Tree Point) and The Best team North beach, so they were two groups in four teams A and B. I was in group A for North beach, so we went to our first activity art we painted pictures for our table design at dinner. Then we moved on to our next activity it was the best one I was waiting for it was “THE WATER SLIDE!!”. Timmi and andy our parents helpers was in charge, we were up against Mansion B. Me, my friend Promise and a few others were the only ones to make it to the end and that was the goal, We had two more activities to do archery and cooking. After the water slide we moved onto archery with Mr Wiseman, our targets were to hit a bullseye it was harder than it looked and at cooking we baked cookies for afternoon tea it was yummy. Later on that night some of us had a choice to watch a movie or go to sleep, me and my friends went to watch the movie it was a movie i have already to watch so after a few minutes I went to my dorm and went sleep.
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It was the last day at the campsite I was sad and happy at the same time because we were leaving but I couldn’t wait to see my family, every one had to clean up their dorm after breakfast. After we finished we played volleyball, soccer, touch and danced until our busses came, then the busses came it was time to fill the busses up with the luggages and say our goodbyes to michael and his wife as we did. We left the campsite everyone was tired so we took naps on the bus, we stopped at picnic site to eat lunch then we all raced to the beach and jump on to the sand people had a challenge who could jump the furthest it was a lot of fun. Then we left time to head home I slept the rest of the way, But when we went back to school some year 7’s were waiting for us and as we hopped of the bus they came and welcomed us back, Mrs Tele’a talked to us about safety and released us I saw my dad and raced to him and hugged him and all of us went home safely.

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