On Wednesday the year 7&8 had Nate come talk to us about Personality and lessons for our future. First he talked about himself, he told us that he wanted a blue jacket so he can fit in but he had to play a sport to earn the blue jacket. So he signed up for hockey he didn't no how to play so watched videos on how to play, he played fullback cause he thought they did little work. The referee called penalty corner he had to block the other team form scoring and then suddenly got hit in the face with the ball.
Then he talked to us about the different types of people they was the otter he is the entertainer, lion the bossy one, golden retriever the peace maker and the last was the beaver the one that gets things done. the next was about our jeans like where we came from and who side we look like, he told us to stay ourselves try not be someone your not.
There website http://www.attitude.org.nz/