This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Kawau Island Quiz
Kawau Island Quiz from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is Our movie that me and my friend made it is about kawau island I was the host and my friend were the contestants they had to guess questions the winner got nothing but yeah enjoy the video leave some feedback
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
My Camp Bentzon Voice over

Thursday, 13 November 2014
The Blackout Chapter 3
It been 8 weeks since we last saw power I woke to another bad dream about me alone in a school and it was dark and scary then a monster ran right in front of me. I woke nearly frighten to death it was 2:00 in the morning I was sweating so I went to go have a nice warm shower to cool me down but then I realized that we had no light I couldn't even see myself and where I was going so I just went back to bed. then in the morning I heard my sister Lia shouting “I can’t take it anymore I just can’t” than a loud slam it was the door. My sister ran away that when the search began me and my big brother Josh went to go find her at her favorite spots and places but we could not find her.

Chapter 4: We help out the people to turn the power back on. then....
Monday, 10 November 2014
Man on the moon
Tevita Man On The moon from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is my movie It is about a boy called Gavin he is making a mask for the opening art festival parade
he made a pretty cool mask. But this vision is different Michel Tuffery the story teller asks questions to Gavin. Hope you enjoyed it
Sunday, 2 November 2014
The Black Out Chapter 2

BOOM!!! I woke up yelled what is happened my brother ran to me and said, “get up and follow me”. so I started to follow then he stopped and I stopped he looked at me and said “it your turn to die” then ran and trapped me into a corner then stabbed me I woke shouting “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! then lucky it was just a dream” ,I said. Mum & dad ran to my room and said, “What going on!!” I replied “it all right, it all right it was just a bad dream”. my brother walked into my room I got scared then ran behind my dad mum looked at and said, “ what wrong johny”

Next time chapter 3: sister can’t take it any more
the boys leave to go find there sister well they mum and dad are gone to are meeting for something important but it is a secret
Thursday, 30 October 2014
The Black Out Chapter 1

The Next day see what happens would the powers turn back on and stay on or would it stay off for ever.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
My Good/Successful writing parcitice
I am going to tell you how to be a Good and Successful student at school or at home. you have too follow these steps first you have to pay attention to your teachers or parent, be polite to adults and young ones to, show respect to everyone, love, care and sharing is caring.
And now I am going to tell you how to do it. first how to pay attention you need to make sure that your eyes on the teacher let them know that you are ready to learn or the one how is speaking but not the one speaking on the mat because they're just going to get you in trouble. second be polite to the adult and little ones adult are older than you so might want to show respect because if you don’t they might think that your parent are bad and they don’t show respect to anyone and be kind to young one so they can follow your foot steps and be like you nice, kind, loving and caring.
What not to do when you are trying to show respect or be nice and care. when you are trying to show respect do not go over the limit when you show too much respect that some of your friend might not want to hang out with you anymore and that everyone start to think you are too nice and you can’t do anything bad.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Reading A Map
Today I have learnt about compass directions. I can place symbols on a map. I also learnt how to find locations by following a given directions. By learning my compass direction I never get loss to go place. Never eat soggy weetbix is going to help to remember the compass directions.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Sun safety explanation Writing
Sunblock can keep you from getting skin cancer, And a hat that covers your face from the sun,sunglasses that keep your eyes shaded from the sun because you would get blind.
Sunblock keep your skin nice and protected from the sun. Sunscreen acts like a very thin bulletproof vest. When you swim make sure you have waterproof sunscreen. When it comes to sun exposure, however, what you can't see will hurt you.
Hats protect your face the sunlight. If you don’t wear one you can get skin cancer on your face and also get fricklas. You need to wear a hat because Around 2,100 people died from skin cancer in 2012 in the UK, that's around 6 every day.
Sunglasses help your eyes to see better.It would protect it and keep it from making your eyes watery.Did you now that if you don’t wear sunglasses when its sunny your eyes can turn red and be sore.
Sunblock, hat and sunglasses can help us keep safe in the sun.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
My Holiday Highlight
During the holidays I really didn't do that much stuff. Then on sunday my dad told us get up and change which is me and my sisters: Vei and Amelia. So we all dressed after 5 or 10 minutes I think, because girls like my mum take long to do they hair and pick outfit . When we got there it was really packed all the parking was full then we parked in the driveway.
After we got out the car we headed for the church Me and my mum could hear music it started to get louder and louder until we saw it was and music band from the church up the road. When they finished we started setting up the tables and putting the food on it we finished then people from the church up the road we let them go first because that way we do it.They all were all finished then it was our turn to eat after like 5 or 4 minute we were done then music started and all these women stood up and started to dance.
It was dark and I was tired my mum was tireder than me because she stayed up all night to get all the food done I had to talk to her keep her from sleeping. I thought we were going home but we were actually going to my uncle’s house because my uncle’s dad brother died in Tonga so all we did was just prayed for him. After we prayed we finally went home and slept. NEXT DAY....
Hey thank you for reading my story hope you enjoyed it. I felt really good writing this story and my favourite part was actually writing this story so yeah thanks again. I might make part 2 next week so stay tuned for part 2 oh and tell me what is your favourite part of my story by commenting on the bottom.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Tuis Samoan-Digital learning object
Similarities between Samoa & New Zealand - Tui from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This week our reading group have been learning about Samoan we had to do a D.L.O. it mean digital learning object. I learnt that Samoan buses are free and the capital city is apia but let get back to what we did. So first we planed what we were going to do and say then we recorded it take a lot of time to recorded and edit this.
Hope you enjoyed our movie and enjoy the bloopers thanks for watching.please leave some feedback and here are the people who star in the movies blog you can visit there blog and leave them some feedback.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Tragic story about ww1
world war 1 known as the first world war. from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo on June 28 1914 to the Austro Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia on July 28 Europe went from peaceful prosperity to a conflict that would bring down four empires and cost more than 15 million lives.To continue Inside the First World War, a new 12-part series Saul David questions what motivated Europe's leaders to take their countries to the edge of the abyss
Then it all ended in 1918 november 11th more than 1.5 million The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million. There were over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes about 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
My Holiday Highlight
Hi, I am going to you about my holiday it was pretty boring. 
My holiday started off when I woke up on Saturday it was a refreshing morning I stood up and got ready to eat breakfast I had bacon and eggs with toast. My mum made it for me and my Dad, it was delicious.
Then I went into my brother’s room he was playing games on his PS3 I asked if I could play game with him. We were playing call of duty ghost. as we were playing infected it was funny because I was the first one to be infected and I was next to my brother and I sliced him after that we started getting sick off it because it keeped lagging and glitching so we turn off the and went and watched T.V. I fell asleep.
I woke up at 7:00 and I heard my mum telling me to get up and I said in a sleepy voice “What for” and she replied “because we are going to the laundromat to dry up the washing ” then I said “fine”. When we got there I did nothing but lay down and sleep. I was dreaming about me in a game called call of duty ghost it was the game that I was playing with my brother but i wasn't playing it i was in it I felt nervous. First I had to customize myself. After done all of the steps I got sent in to a game I had to choose I loadout (if you don’t know what a loadout is its where you decide which weapon you are going to pick to fight with) I picked loadout 3. I spawned on the map I was scared then my team appeared but I was stall scared when the game started I went and hid somewhere as I was hiding I glitched onto a high boxes where no one would see me and get.I felt a little happy then a hole appeared it sucked me up after getting sucked up I started to wake up I got angry because I wanted to win the game but it was too late I woke up when I woke up it was my mum waking me up because we were at home.The End
Thank you for reading please leave a comment
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Tevita Superhero Creative Writing
One day he as he was coming home the three boys saw him. They were picking on him. Then something strange happened, he started to fight back. Then he teleported into a library. He was freaking out. He did not know he had powers and didn’t want to tell anyone about them. He sat there thinking about his new powers.
The three boys told the police that he had disappeared but no one believed them. Then one weird professor showed up at the police station. The professor said “did you say that you saw a boy teleport?” One of the boys said “yes, why?” The professor said “just follow me.“
They went into a dark tunnel. The three boys were scared. Then it got darker and darker until it was pitch black. He turned on the light. It was full of evil stuff. It was the professor’s lab. The professor give them super evil powers and sent them on the way.
They found him sitting on his bed. They super boost into the window. Luke saw them and ran. When he ran he was super fast. He teleported behind them and did his special move. He didn’t know what he was doing but then he started teleporting everywhere and was kicking and punching. All of a sudden the three bullies batteries that gave them power died. They fell from the sky into a garbage can.
The police were called to come and pick up the trash. The three boys were taken to jail and Luke Anderson lived became Lone wolf the super hero.
Monday, 30 June 2014
orange experiment
Hello this my friend's plan we were testing of and orange if it float or not. First we tried it with the skin on it was in the middle then we tried it with no skin slowly started to floated YAY!! we shouted. After all that we made a movie about it but we did not get time to publish so sorry for the who wanted to see the movie really am .
Monday, 23 June 2014
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Badminton Recount
Have you ever played badminton before? I have! In week 5 of school our maths class had badminton lessons in the hall. We were learning how to do backhand serves with Coach Danny.
For warm up we played stuck in the mud. We had 2 taggers that had to tag us. If we got tagged then to get free someone had to give us a double high five. Far out it was hard work. Coach Danny told us to get a partner, mine was Toma.
“Hold the racket like you are shaking hands” said coach Danny. We practiced hitting the shuttlecock backwards and forwards to each other. It was frustrating because we kept hitting it over each other and not far enough for our partners to hit it back.
The part I enjoyed the most was doing our warm up. I liked this because it was funny how the taggers had to chase us and the looked really tired. I would like to do the lessons again and this time pay more attention to what the coaches say.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Monday, 2 June 2014
My The Lightest Wood in the World
This is a photo of whau wood from a book that I was reading. the book is about boys building raft out of whau wood and other kinds of wood and see winch raft would float better.
Floating and Sinking dictogloss
Do you know why a ball float and a stone sinks?
Buoyancy makes things float on the water. A stick floats because it is lighter than the upthrust. The stone is heavier than the upthrust so its sinks to the ground .
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Monday, 14 April 2014
Cops & Robbers Game
Hi this is a game of cops and robbers it was fun playing this game this is how much guesses I got please leave a comment.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Native Trees of New Zealand
We were learning About Native trees of New Zealand I am learning more about Cabbage trees.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Grid Reterences
Grid References
- What is the grid reference of the ∞ ? A2
- What is the grid reference of the * ? D4
- What is the grid reference of the Δ? B3
- What is the grid reference of the Circle? B5
- What is the grid reference of the Love Heart? A4
- What is the grid reference of the Smiley Face? C3
- What is the grid reference of the Cloud? E5
- What is the grid reference of the Sun? E3
- What is the grid reference of the Lightning Bolt? C1
Monday, 24 March 2014
Geometry G.I Map
How to get to G.I shops.
1: go out of Pt England and turn south west on to Pt England road .
2: then turn north on to May bury then go south west to line road .
3. and you are now at G.I shops
How to get to my house.
1. go out of Pt England and on to Pt England road
2. then turn north on to Elstree ave go west on to Chiltern cres
3. and the first house you see with green gates would be mine
1: go out of Pt England and turn south west on to Pt England road .
2: then turn north on to May bury then go south west to line road .
3. and you are now at G.I shops
How to get to my house.
1. go out of Pt England and on to Pt England road
2. then turn north on to Elstree ave go west on to Chiltern cres
3. and the first house you see with green gates would be mine
Emperor penguin
Mothers come back from hunting and feed their chicks.
`* The mothers feed their chicks by opening they mouth .
* Now it is the dad turn to go out to and find fish.
* Just before the father penguins hop in the water they see a leopard seal.
* Sadly, one penguin gets eating by a leopard seal.
Sunday, 2 March 2014
My Statistical investagation
Hi this is my graph that I made with my friends we where finding out the avarge wind speed this is what we got. I made three different graphs hope you leave a comment see you later by Tevita

Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tevita's and BJ's Stride Jumps
Hello this is a stem and leaf graph me and my friend was doing this we had fun doing this. Please comment below
Monday, 10 February 2014
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Class Data
I predict that:
I think that more boys like blue better then girls.
I think that girls like adventure time better then boys.
I think boys like pizza better then girls.
I think boy love regular show better then girls.
I found out that:
They are more boys then girls.
More people love pizza then pie and apple.
They are more boys who like blue better then girls.
They are more regular shows than adventure time.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
My Holiday Story
It was very boring in the holiday because all i did was play games on my ps3 until I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and I saw my dad and mum going somewhere my dad told me to get up and get dressed but I was too lazy from playing games and I fell back to sleep.When I woke up again my brother and sisters were gone but i didn't care where they went then my stomach rumored for food then they were a smell a nice tasted as I followed the smell it leaded me to the kitchen and i saw my lovely mother making bacon and eggs I was excited to eat my mouth was full of water and my mother “ready to eat”.Allofasudden the was knock on the front door I went to see who it was but my dad had already opened the and I saw my brother and sisters race to the kitchen to see want my mum made and they saw want mum what and there mouth was full of water too they grabbed plates and were in line I was last as I got my food there were little left and I was angry but my my step sister had food for me and I was really happy about it
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